Wise Social Media Marketing Strategy: Wax On, Wax Off

Some of you may know the 1984 flick The Karate Kid. It’s an iconic martial arts film that tells the story of a young kid bullied in high school. He’s the underdog, but with the slow but steady guidance of his reluctant Japanese mentor, the kid goes onto win a championship karate tournament. Throughout his training, his mentor gives him menial chores that seemingly have nothing to do with karate. In one memorable scene, his mentor hands him a soaking wet sponge. He tells him to wash the car and then wax it. The old man’s instructions are simple. Wax on; wax off.

What does all that have to do with social media marketing you might ask?

Whether its karate or marketing, any strategy requires focusing through menial tasks that might not, on the surface, be getting you somewhere. Part of your strategy is to maintain clarity and carry on.

There are numerous channels for your social media presence. Managing them all might give you more work than value for your effort. You want a return on investment, whether you’re doing it yourself or taking on a professional social media company in Dubai.

Instead, why not put some karate kid into your social media marketing strategy? Breathe. Focus your energy into something worthwhile. Wax on and wax off.

Begin with focusing on your target audience. Ask intelligent questions. Research. Where does your target audience spend most of its time? Are they professionals connecting primarily on LinkedIn? Are they networkers who discuss topics length on Facebooks groups and pages? Do they tweet on trending topics on Twitter? Do they share visual stories on Instagram?

Despite the spontaneous mode of most social media platforms, a wise social media marketer gets specific with her plan, focuses on her target audience, clarifies her goals and carries calmly through with implementation.

Other things to focus on include:

  1. Metrics: Focus on web referrals, leads generated, and conversion rates. What channels are you getting the most referrals? Don’t just focus on retweets and likes. Where is the conversion happening?
  2. Create and improve your accounts: Ask yourself which accounts you’ll focus on and clean up your presence on those platforms. Update and refine them according to your goals. Focus on your brand identity and your communication with your target audience.
  3. Optimize performance: Each social media network has its own SEO. Make sure whatever network you’re on, your company’s page is easy to find. Keep readers focused with a clean, simple name. Don’t stuff your site with keywords that might bring in the wrong people.
  4. Inspiration: Look at others for what they are sharing. What kinds of quotes and photos are other successful brands in your industry using? Notice when and where those brands share that content.
  5. Create a calendar: Plan the content. Who will create it? When will it will be shared? Who will it be shared with? Plan how often you will post. How will you promote what you share?
  6. Evaluate and adjust: No strategy works perfectly all the time. The landscape of social media is forever changing, so if you’re yourself managing your social media marketing or taking advantage of social media marketing services in Dubai, you’ll need to stay on top of the changes and constantly evaluate and adjust your strategy.

But that’s just a skeleton of the entire body that makes up any wise, focused social media marketing plan.

It’s a multi-disciplinary, ongoing process. At 7G Media, we can help you navigate and manage your social media marketing strategy from conception to implementation and beyond. Engage with your audience, track your success and let us do the dirty work for you. Give us the sponge. We’ll wax on and wax off until the job’s done.

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