What Kind Of Video Marketing is Best for Your Business?

Optimised videos will enhance your marketing campaigns

Today, effective business marketing strategies need to go a whole lot further than simple advertising text on your website or social media pages. Although promotional publications still possess some power to attract the public, embedding videos into your ad campaign has the potential to provide you with a magical solution. According to Forbes magazine’s latest figures, 65% of internet users prefer to get their information via visual content and are also more likely to tag and spread video messages, helping them to achieve a far wider reach.

Before you jump straight into this essential advertising medium, it’s best to examine the most important types of video marketing to choose the one that will best meet your requirements and effectively deliver your message to your target audience. Here are some of the most impactful types of video marketing:

Events Videos
If your company specializes in organizing conferences, forums, panels and other such events, top quality videos that creatively feature highlights from your events will help to showcase your work.

Demo Movies
These are the videos that show people how your products or services work. They can effectively engage your audience and bring them closer to your brand, either by taking viewers on a tour of the features of your innovative services, or by introducing them to your products and visually explaining how to operate or install them as soon as they are removed from their packaging.

Experts and Influencers
Filmed interviews with industry experts or thought leaders in your business sector are an excellent way to win the confidence of your target audience. You can also engage relevant influential personalities to share your message with their followers and so gain a wider base of potential customers.

Educational or Instructional Films
Educational videos are a great way to inform your audience about something new or to establish a knowledge base that will help them to understand your services, products or innovative solutions. You can also use this type of film to familiarize employee teams with your business processes and the best ways to service your customers.

Explainer Videos
Explainers are most effective in helping people understand why they need your services or products. Often, they include a virtual journey in which someone who is experiencing a problem is assisted by the solution offered by a particular company.

Animated Movies
Animation is an ideal way to simplify complex concepts or to make potentially boring subjects more appealing. Consider presenting your services or products in a storyline of creative, animated illustrations accompanied by dynamic on-screen text or an professionally researched, written and delivered voiceover script.

Live Streaming
Give your audience a first-hand glimpse into what goes on in your organisation! Take them on a virtual tour of your operations, interview your team or film them in action as they work or participate in an exciting event. The latest studies show that live streamed video draws by far the highest number of viewers – approximately eight times that of a recording. This kind of video posting can become truly interactive on social media platforms when viewers are invited to comment or ask questions during the streaming.

360° Virtual Reality
One of the exciting new techniques in imaging technology allows people to click on the screen and scroll around to view the video content from all angles, giving them the feeling that they are right inside the scene. Multi-angle panoramic photography offers audiences a fuller experience of a location, making these videos perfect for businesses like tourism or real estate, and the increased interactivity keeps them watching for longer.

Augmented Reality Movies
In this technique, a digital layer is added to enhance the visual experience. With augmented reality, you could – as IKEA did so successfully – simply direct your phone camera to your living room to see what it would look like with new and different configurations of furniture in the space.

Feasibility Studies and Customer Reviews
Essentially, any potential customer wants to know how your product or service can offer a solution to their problem. The best way to convince him may just be to present a group of satisfied customers, talking about their particular challenges and then raving about how your services were the perfect answer!

7G Media is the top video production company in Dubai. The digital and video marketing experts at 7G Media in Dubai may just be the perfect answer for your business too! Contact us to discuss your objectives and discover more about the creation of rich content, animation, and other videos that can help you achieve impactful marketing results.

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