Online Marketing & Storytelling – How The Two Combine

In recent years it has become harder and harder to effectively market products due to the surge of marketing messages and advertisements available in the public space. It is very easy to think the way to get noticed in today’s digital space is to invest in new and exciting technology or risk becoming lost in the crowd, writes community content manager at Landerapp, Joan Pablo Castro, in an article for Business2Community. However, sometimes the tried and tested methods are ignored – storytelling, for example.

Storytelling stimulates the emotional side of the human brain, meaning consumers are more likely to invest in a product or service if the marketing team produces a good story connected to it. Nevertheless, it can be hard to employ this tactic correctly. Here are a few tips on how to tell the best stories:

Direct the Focus onto the Customer:
When telling a story, engage the customer by referring to them and focusing on them, rather than the company or product. Writing a story where the reader can picture themselves as the protagonist also works well, as it can grab their attention and encourage them to make a purchase. This kind of emotive influence will help drive sales and get a company noticed, both online and offline.

Don’t sell directly:

A lot of customers can be stubborn, so if a business approaches them with the direct intent of selling a product or service, they are likely to resist. What businesses need to perfect is the art of selling without selling – almost subliminally or subconsciously encouraging the reader to convince themselves into making a purchase. Make sure the stories published not only do the above, but also generate a positive brand image.

Once a marketing department has perfected the art of storytelling a business can expect a significant rise in the number of followers and customers – whether on social media or on other online spaces.

7G Media is the top digital marketing agency in Dubai. We are also the best social media agency in Dubai  providing the perfect digital marketing services for your brand’s presence on various social media platforms. 

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