Whichever industry you operate in, there is only one threat to your business, and it’s not your competitors or a global financial crisis, the threat will come if you underestimate the significance of intelligently marketing your brand. Content writing plays a significant role in your marketing strategy
Every company is painfully aware of the importance of marketing, few are aware of how to make that marketing count. If you discover how to make your marketing material stand head and shoulders above the efforts of your competitors, most of your work is done (assuming your product or service can back it up).
Just because you have a marketing strategy, you’ve identified and researched your demographic, you’ve identified your USP’s and you’ve cross referenced them in relation to the needs of the potential clients, you haven’t even got started yet. So many people are already making your product, and perhaps making it even better than you. Why would anyone choose you?
The key to standing out comes in many guises: look at your competition and identify what it is that they’re not doing, use imaginative copy with simple headlines that convinces the reader to continue reading, and stay heavily involved in keeping up to date with trends and marketing campaigns that have made an impact previously.
Social Media
As part of any marketing strategy, social media Content Writing will be high on the list. It’s important, but to be effective it must be utilized in the correct way. Your aim is to encourage people to interact with you, to do this you have to create posts that have appeal, a call to action and create interest.
Easier said than done of course, but as an example: during the 2013 Super Bowl, Oreo employed 15 marketing brains to sit in a locked room and watch the game until they came up with a piece of marketing relevant to whatever happened in the game. There was a blackout at the stadium, within ten minutes Oreo had a post on twitter and Facebook of an Oreo in a spotlight saying ‘You can still dunk in the dark’. It was shared over 200 million times in the space of the evening.
That is good marketing through social media, but they took it very seriously and they got the results they were looking for.
The Message
Your message must be clear. If you have too much text within your advertising, nobody will read it. Most of the message should be ascertained via the headline. It matters not whether you are promoting the latest piece of the Hubble telescope, or a dish cloth, either way the first thing you have to have is a headline that encourages people to read further. Never undervalue the headline, it’s the most important aspect of marketing.
The Brand and the Story
A modern day customer doesn’t just want a product, they want a connection with the company they bought it from. So many businesses have a non-descript and uninspiring ‘About Us’ section, it’s actually one of the most important aspects of your ‘free’ marketing tools. Your story can be made to sound exciting with a bit of embellishment and exaggeration here and there. Make the best of what you’ve got.
Some of the largest brands in the world are as big as they are quite simply because they invested so heavily in marketing. Your marketing budget each year should reflect your ambition, if you place enough importance on it, your marketing campaigns could end up taking your business to the next level in terms of success.
To Conclude
When it comes to getting ahead you really need to find your niche, find what it is you can do that no rivals can, focus on this, come up with a strong tag line or headline, and get your brand out there across every available media outlet you can.
To stay ahead, you need to listen to the feedback you get, use analytics to find which types of posts encourage the best responses. If you find that something picture related or video related gets the most responses, stick with it. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it as they say, but the key to staying ahead is really to ensure that you are constantly evaluating the effectiveness of what you’re currently doing.
7G Media provides the best social media management in Dubai. We are also a leading digital marketing agency in Dubai. With our social media content services, we’ll make sure to significantly increase your digital presence and build a highly engaged community.