Social Media Marketing Company in Dubai

Are you keeping up with your audience?

In 2018, it’s tricky to keep your audience’s attention. However common or complex, new technologies are embedded in nearly everyone’s life. Mobile-ready content has quickly become the norm. The number of smartphone users worldwide is projected to be around 2.53 billion. Apps are more accessible than ever. People turn to their smartphones to book flights, order meals, and learn about outer space.

The typical smartphone user might be one moment uploading a photo to Snapchat while Googling the surface temperature of the planet Mars. One minute, she might be scrolling through her Twitter feed, and the next, she might be swiping through the stories of influencers on Instagram. Amidst all that activity, social media marketers in 2018 face the challenge of managing attention spans spread across multiple platforms. The best social media marketing companies know how to engage users, maintain their interest, foster a sense of community, and keep abreast of swiftly changing trends.

But how does a company manage all that? Businesses that rely on the social marketing strategies of 2016 may miss the boat. Or, if they’ve got on the boat, they might still be using yesterday’s compass. Sailing the digital seas takes steady ingenuity, insight, and research. If a business is attempting to set sail with an outdated map, they’ll get lost with shifting breakers. They might capsize if they’re not expert on the helm as the wind shifts.

Good marketing campaigns stay on their toes; they think on their feet. Keeping up in this swiftly changing climate doesn’t mean following one map. Besides, there’s no longer any rulebook. With businesses are overwhelmed with platforms, as many possibilities exist as there are users.

With various content formats, game plans and tools, marketing teams need to re-evaluate the impacts of their efforts have on their overall business objectives.

Those in the know use the platforms and tools that work for their clients and their business.

7G Media, a social media company in Dubai, has been working with diverse clients to create great social media marketing campaigns for the government and private sector in the UAE for over a decade. Part of that work involves getting the content right, using the apps that reach the right audiences, and keeping abreast of trends. With recent clients like Amassi Catering, the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre, and the Ministry of Finance, the team at 7G specializes in analyzing the waters of social sharing, effective digital content, social engagement and return on investment. Brands and organizations now recognize the impact of social media engagement. And 7G Media focusses on creating lasting engagement, keeping followers happy and providing a network where they can reach their favourite brands and companies.

2018 is all about learning and growing to be one step ahead.

In this four-part series, we’ll look at how you can keep two steps ahead. After all, life’s a dance, and sometimes you need improvise to make the right moves for your business.

Let’s overview those latest trends in social media marketing. Let’s make these digital seas a place of ease rather than ones we fear drowning in. From Instagram to Twitter to Snapchat to social media listening tools, sometimes excellent marketing means learning about the latest apps and trends and keep your business in the know. Did you know, for example, that ephemeral social media, or short-lived content, is emerging as the hottest way to engage users?

Did you know customers go to social media first for customer service?

Did you know that Gen Z is the driving force of social media and is shifting the way that content is shared and digested?

Did you know social media channels will continue to incorporate new technologies? That users may start to expect augmented reality experiences and that social video content will be more mobile friendly?

Even if you’re not in the know, thankfully, 7G is here to bring you and keep you there. We are one of the leading digital marketing agencies in Dubai. Contact us now to get a consultation about our various services including social media services and digital marketing services.

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