“I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again – Oscar Wilde “
This is one of the best quotes, about proofreading, but Oscar Wilde’s, remark should be extended a little, in fact, with tips that are guaranteed to make you a better proofreader in Dubai.
Have a proofreader mindset to provide the best proofreading services in Dubai. Condition your mind to take up the challenge of proofreading, and you will no longer look at proofreading the same way. Your mind will be in a different place where confidence, and a heightened sense of attention and focus will replace the negative approach. Challenge yourself by imagining that errors exist in everything you write and Presto! you now have the proper mindset to become the best proofreader.
Motivation – Imagine you have a book deal coming through and you’re proofreading to meet the deadline. Motivating yourself using these non-existent goals, will make proofreading appealing and less of a chore. So, before you finalise your work, imagine yourself as the proofreader and that it’s the last time anybody will proof your work before millions of eyes see it. There is no denying that proofreading is a difficult task, but getting into the habit and motivating yourself can help you beat the odds.
Read and write every day – This may sound like advice you give a preschooler, but the more you read and write random things, the more easier proofreading becomes as the chance of repeating an error is minimal.
Take a break in between – If you’re a writer, after you write, go for a walk, or away from the screen before you start proofreading. Writing and proofreading soon after will only allow errors to fool your eyes into believing they don’t exist. Take a break, and resume your work with a well-rested proofreader mindset.
Take it easy – Rome was not built in a day, so try reading at a slower pace than normal and take your time. Read as if you are mentally explaining the content to someone who doesn’t understand it.
Read aloud – This will make you alert and much more vigilant as your mouth has to voice each word and your ears pick up the errors as opposed to reading silently.
Ask a friend’s help – If possible, ask a friend to proofread your work. They might be able to spot errors that your eye has missed.
Keep a list – Some words are easily misspelled, keep a list of such words and refer to them often.
Professional proofreaders provide the highest quality editing services in Dubai and do the job with perfection. 7G Media has expert proofreaders and editors, making it a top content and digital marketing agency in Dubai. Contact us now to get a free consultation from our experts.