Reaching Global Markets with Website Content Translation

Pursuing an international project that requires translation across several markets is a enormous task and the content that is produced will determine your success or failure, therefore it’s important to get it right, the first time.

Often, when businesses decide to go global, there are many areas that need to be looked into, especially in terms of the website. In order to get the website off the ground, business translations services in Dubai is needed to make it a success.

If things don’t come together, you’re setting yourself up for failure. The message you are giving your audience will be unclear, your target audience will not be impressed, and your business objectives will suffer.

In order to prevent this, here are a few tips to consider:

Website Design – Today, users access websites, mostly from tablets or smartphones, so you should consider developing a mobile website, or using responsive design techniques so that the audience can enjoy your content on the go. Having a mobile website becomes critical when producing content for international markets as you want your global audience to access it from anywhere. Smartphone penetration can differ widely depending on the target market.

A good mobile website will focus on the following:

  • What the audience needs on the go
  • Only the necessary content on the main website
  • Links to various sections of the site that are relevant for mobile users
  • Font and text that can be read across all devices
  • Navigation elements appropriately structured so that users in the target group can access what is of value to them

Off-line documents and other forms of content – You should not only worry about the website content, offline content is just as important. Make sure to streamline and make the in-house documents consistent.

In order to achieve this, consider the following:

  • How the content will look, once it’s delivered to various publications or devices
  • Offer the agency providing website translation in Dubai, a clear structure to work with consistency.
  • A good planning and strategy for content, to suit specific audiences and meet business goals
  • Guide the translators and writers by providing a set of standards which they must follow when creating content
  • Provide content that aligns with business objectives
  • Give a clear picture about what should be achieved with the content
  • Define your ethos and follow it so everyone works towards a common goal

Using content as a central part of a global marketing strategy can level the playing field, but in order to pull it off successfully, develop an editorial style guide, especially when translating into multiple languages. This will make it all come together and work wonders with international players!

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