Website Design Trends You Should Know

Website design trends tends to move from fad to fad quicker than Victoria Beckham’s wardrobe, but just like the fashion blogging fraternity follow her every move, we too must ensure that no design trend on the worldwide web gets past us.

So here’s a look at what we’ve seen, and what we like:

Responsive Sites

This was a trend a few years back, but now it’s established and integral. By responsive we mean that your website will be able to adapt seamlessly to all devices and all size of screen with no detrimental effect on the quality or appearance of the site. If you do not have a responsive site yet, you are going to need to address that before April 21st, when Google will penalise those with non-responsive sites by removing or reducing their ranking.

Split Screen Antics

A trend which has a very specific area of appeal, is the split screen design we are able to see many businesses going for. This design is particularly useful for companies wishing to exhibit their prominent services side-by-side without having to rank them and keep some out of view until the user scrolls down.

Long Scroller

This new style of webpage is basically putting all the information on a single, long, wide, scrolling page. It’s a great looking design, and one which has been adapted by leading businesses across a range of sectors. Of course it was brought to the table initially by Apple for their iPhone 6, and the rest followed as per usual. Long scrolling sites are particularly good for use on tablets and smartphones, as they are easier to navigate rather than having to click on a tiny link.


Parallax scrolling is all the rage for designers with a bit more technical nouse, ambition, and time on their hands. This form of scrolling makes the foreground scroll at a faster speed than the background, it looks great and gives a kind of 3D effect which is pleasing to the senses. You can check out the Sony website to see a great example of this method.

7G Media have been at the forefront of digital logo and web design services in Dubai for over seven years now, and we would love to speak to you about all your design requirements. Contact us today!

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